Thursday, 6 October 2011

Alien Planets Discovered

Alien Planets Discovered. The result of new 136 analysis by NASA Kepler telescope first debates further heat about alien life in outer space. In addition, the data indicate the existence of a planet inhabited by aliens.

Kepler discovered the existence of 1,267 scan planets outside the solar system in the constellation Cygnus in the Milky Way Galaxy. Results of a study recently concluded, 1.2% of stars in this Galaxy is the planet that supports life or amounting to billions of planets.

'Core' of our Galaxy may become the richest among the planets. According to scientists, the formation of the planets in the Galactic core will be quick 'overload' negative effects of the supernova explosion that provides recurring life paradise.

The study, led by Michael Gowanlock from the University of Hawaii uses computer models to 'find' residential and highlights the effect of planetary explosion supernova to be 'sterilizing' the planet's surface.

"Planetary Search improve understanding in life for us. Iron planet builders such as the blocks of the Earth and the stars formed later had the opportunity for the emergence of the planet," he explained as written Dailymail.