Thursday 6 October 2011

The 10 Fact of The U.S. Fail At The Vietnam War

The 10 Fact of The U.S. Fail At The Vietnam War. VIETNAM WAR (1959-1972) "THE DEFEAT OF THE U.S.'S LARGEST IN ITS HISTORY" It may be true that in Vietnam war (1959-1972), U.S. Army always win in every major battle against the Viet Cong or the VC. But tragically, the denouement of the war showed US that it suffered a defeat, even the biggest defeat of the war throughout its history. Why is it happening?

Here are 10 facts:

  1. VC Soldiers have the support of its people as well as the combat morale is high.

  2. U.S. troops for the war are frustrated that dragged on without any results at all.

  3. U.S. troops are on average younger (22 years) or called GI, not experienced war.

  4. U.S. soldiers consume narcotic redundantly, in addition to the treatment is also used to overcome stress and have fun/drunk.

  5. Guerrilla war Tactics applied by the leader of the people's struggle inspired after Indonesia's independence against the invaders with force alone. Where the leaders had come to Indonesia in the 1960s.

  6. Not kill but maim, Tactics proved very effective. Wounding one man army AS making 3 Soldiers may not work properly

  7. 1 soldier wounded, 2 soldiers who saved by emergency stretcher with two hands.

  8. The VC are very easy to disguise and blend with the commoners and blending when in pursuit of the US Army

  9. Efficiency and effectively utilize the underground tunnel (Tunnel Rat) which can only be accessed by a VC force diminutive. Or VC is much more controlled the battlefield either by topography and geography.

  10. Natural Challenges for young U.S. soldiers malignant or commonly referred to as GI as heavy rains, Leeches, malaria, which makes them difficult to break in the evening that the severity of the attacks often occur at VC night.Officer proficiency in understanding the psychology of GI VC who likes rush and quickly down the morale of its possession.

10 facts above is inversely proportional to the u.s. forces, thus leading to a fantastic result for U.S. troops;

  • 58,000 U.S. soldiers were killed or Killing In Action (KIA)

  • 1,000 U.S. soldiers lost or Missing In Action (MIA)

  • 150,000 U.S. troops wounded or Injured In Action (IIA)

  • This fantastic result for us troops, excluding the affected mental after held captive and killed by the VC.