Wednesday 28 September 2011

Mysterious Thousands Nazca Found in Middle East

Mysterious Thousands Nazca Found in Middle East. It may sound very strange to you. Do you know what Nazca lines? This phenomenon often happens in everyday life and become one of the scientists who study the material is rising. Peru Nazca Lines, geoglyph mysterious, carved in the desert centuries ago by the indigenous groups. Now the same mysterious pattern found in the Middle East.

Aerial and satellite photography reveals 'wheel' mysterious stone that far more numerous and older than the Nazca lines in Syria, Saudi Arabia and Jordan.

This structure is estimated from 2,000 years ago. However, this pattern remains surprising archaeologists and historians.

"People might have passed for centuries without knowing what is it," said professor of classics and ancient history of David Kennedy of the University of Western Australia.

Local residents in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Libya, Egypt and Israel calling it 'the work of the parents'.

This pattern often found in the lava fields. According to Kennedy, this pattern appears in many forms, including 'kite', animals, random lines and square.

None of this pattern is believed to be parallel to the star and this adds to the mystery that enveloped him. This pattern was first discovered in 1927 by RAF pilots like Lt. Percy Maitland from Dailymail written.